E-C Apparatus EC 500 Electrophoresis Power Supply, E-C Apparatus Corporation (CAT#: STEM-EPO-0032-ZJF)


Constant voltage, power or current
Over-voltage safety switch
Dual output

Cat Number: STEM-EPO-0032-ZJF

Application: Power supply for electrophoresis.

Model: EC 500

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The E-C Apparatus EC 500 Electrophoresis Power Supply is manufactured by E-C Apparatus Corporation.
The E-C Apparatus EC 500 Power Supply operates in 3 modes: constant power, constant current or constant voltage. Constant power mode is especially crucial for techniques that require accurate temperature control, such as isoelectric focusing and DNA sequencing. Under constant power setting, the power supply adjusts to changing consitions during the course of the run without creating "hot spots" on the gel. It features an output voltage of 6000/2000V, an output current of 100/350mA, output power of 200W, 4 jacks, and automatic crossover between modes.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Electrical: 115VAC, 50/60Hz, 480W


Constant voltage, power or current
Over-voltage safety switch
Dual output

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