XRF can detect elements from B-U in concentrations from ppm to 100%. This technique can also be used to measure copper.
We provide fast quantitative and semi-quantitative analysis of elements in samples by XRF analysis. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a non-destructive technique that is used to measure film thickness and elemental composition of materials. Due to the use of X-rays to excite the sample, it is possible to achieve depths of analysis ranging from a few nanometers to several millimeters, depending on the material. Most materials can be accurately quantified by XRF by using appropriate reference standards, or fundamental parameters (FP) in the absence of standards.
There are two types of XRF systems available for service:
1. Wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDXRF): Photons are separated by diffraction on a single crystal before detection. With WDXRF, there is a very good energy resolution, which results in fewer spectral overlaps and a lower background intensity.
2. Energy dispersive spectrometers (EDXRF): The detector allows the determination of the photon's energy when it is detected. With EDXRF, a higher signal throughput is possible, which allows for analysis or mapping of small areas.If you have any requirements or questions. Don't hesitate to contact us.