Eyesys ConvecTorr Active Rough-Vacuum Gauge (CAT#: AM-LE-0498-Y)

Cat Number: AM-LE-0498-Y

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Eyesys ConvecTorr Active Rough-Vacuum Gauge is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It responds quickly to pressure changes between 1 mtorr and atmospheric pressure because the filament temperature is kept at a constant level. Not only does it provide two SPST setpoints for process control, but it can also be automatically calibrated. It is a compact pressure measurement solution that is economical and reliable.


Type: Digital
Display Type: Digital Numeric Display
Units: torr, mbar, or pascal
Bottom of Range: 1.33x10^-3 mbar / 1x10^-3 torr
Top of Range: 1000 mbar / 760 torr

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