Fisherbrand Disposable Cuvettes, 4.5 mL, Cuvette, Polystyrene, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-S-0311-LC)


Molded-in arrow indicates direction of transmission on standard and semimicro cuvets-helping assure uniformity
Each case contains cuvets with same mold impression number-assuring precision between samples-standard deviation is <±0.005 extinction units between cuvets

Cat Number: STEM-S-0311-LC

Application: Ideal for fluorimetry and nephelometry, as well as spectrophotometry

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Fisherbrand Disposable Cuvettes manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific are clear four-sided cuvets available with polystyrene or methacrylate construction. Polystyrene cuvets are ideal for assays in visible spectral range (340 to 750nm); while methacrylate cuvets for accuracy throughout UV/Vis range (285 to 750nm).


Disposable: Yes
Height (Metric): 45 mm
Quantity: 500 Case
Length (Metric): 12mm
Width (Metric): 12 mm
Pathlength (Metric): 10mm
Capacity (Metric) : 4.5 mL
Type: Cuvette
Material: Polystyrene
Wavelength Range: 340 to 750 nm


Molded-in arrow indicates direction of transmission on standard and semimicro cuvets-helping assure uniformity
Each case contains cuvets with same mold impression number-assuring precision between samples-standard deviation is <±0.005 extinction units between cuvets

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