fleX-Beam™ WDXRF Spectrometer, XOS (CAT#: STEM-LE-2033-LC)


Industry-leading performance
Small footprint, easy to integrate
Easy maintenance and on-site alignment

Cat Number: STEM-LE-2033-LC

Application: Single crystal XRD, Powder XRD, Monochromatic µ-XRF, X-ray reflectometry, Total reflection X-ray fluorescence

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XOS fleX-Beam provides higher flexibility: design, integration and maintainability while maintaining the performance of the famous X-Beam. The excitation source provided by fleX-Beam is aligned with industry-leading multi-capillary optics, providing unprecedented stability and strength. The fully integrated solution is compact and can be easily integrated into any instrument or system.


Principle:Monochromatic WD XRF
Beam Diameter:0.5 to 10 mm


Industry-leading performance
Small footprint, easy to integrate
Easy maintenance and on-site alignment