Fluke Calibration 5720A In Rochester, NY, USA, Fluke power calibration instruments (CAT#: STEM-AIPO-0405-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-AIPO-0405-YJL

Application: Used to troubleshoot and analyze power quality issues

Model: 5720A

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Fluke Calibration 5720A In Rochester, NY, USA, model 5720A is manufactured by Fluke power calibration instruments.
Maximum load: 50 mA for 2.2 V through 220 V ranges; 20 mA for 1100 V range; 50 Ω output impedance on 220 mV range; all ranges < 1000 pF, > 25 Ω
Settling time: 3 seconds to full uncertainty; + 1 second for range or polarity change; + 1 second for 1100 V range
Overshoot: < 5 % Common mode rejection: 140 dB, DC to 400 Hz
The Fluke 5720A set even higher standards, calibrating your high-performance workload up to 8 ½ digit system DMMs. This unit now states specifications to the standard Fluke 99% confidence level as well as the 95% confidence level to support easy measurement comparisons according to international quality standards including ISO 9000 and ISO Guide 25. All specifications are absolute and include the uncertainty of the calibration standards used. No additional analysis is required.
Dramatically improved performance specifications The 5720A offers an unprecedented accuracy level that delivers the lowest uncertainties available. It calibrates more of your precision meter workload, more easily and cost effectively than ever before. All readouts appear in plain language rather than in cryptic error codes. Just enter values on the numeric keypad and press the ENTER key.
This unit features RS-232 and IEEE-488 interfaces, and can control Fluke 5725A, 5220A, and 5205A/5215A Amplifiers, so they are compatible with your existing equipment. Both also feature Artifact Calibration which helps keep support costs low while providing confidence that your instrument is performing as you expect it to.Only three artifact standards-a lOV de reference and 1 n and 10 kn resistance references-are required to calibrate all ranges and functions to full specifications. Front panel instructions prompt the operator to make connections and inputs each step of the way. The calibrator controls the process which takes only about an hour, compared to several hours using traditional methods.
Cal Check monitors performance between calibrations For extra confidence that the Calibrator stays within specifications between calibrations, the built-in automated Cal Check function checks each range and function against internal standards to see that all functions and ranges are within specification. These Cal Check results can also be downloaded to a computer via the IEEE-488 or RS-232 port to develop control charts that predict the calibrator's long-term performance. Or you can print the results directly.
Works with what you have: this unit is designed to protect your investment in existing Fluke instruments and procedures. For example, you can connect a Fluke 5220A Transconductance Amplifier or 5205A/5215A Voltage Amplifiers directly to dedicated ports on either calibrator. In automated systems, you can configure to emulate the popular 5100B Calibrator, minimizing the need to rewrite your procedures. In addition, it can emulate the Fluke 5200A AC Voltage Calibrator, and their remote programming interface remains fully compatible with previous versions of the 5700A.
Designed to go the distance The 5700A/5720A Calibrators are designed for long, reliable, rouble-free operation. Statistical process control techniques assure that quality is continuously maintained and improved from component test through final assembly. Every instrument is subjected to 2g of random vibration to prevent subtle imperfections from causing failures later.
This unit features a rugged, modular design that minimizes failures and makes it easy to find and repair any faults that may occur. Internal diagnostics exercise both digital and analog functions and can isolate problems to the board level, so repair often requires nothing more than replacing a plug-in module. And the rugged chassis is built to go to the workload with minimal risk of damage. DIN connectors seal out potential contaminants while keeping circuit boards firmly connected.


Condition: Used
Minimum output: 0 V for all ranges, except 100 V for 1100 V range
Load regulation: < (0.2 ppm of output + 0.1 ppm of range), full load to no load
Line regulation: < 0.1 ppm change, ± 10 % of selected nominal line
Remote sensing: Available 0 V to ± 1100 V, on 2.2 V through 1100 V ranges

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