Fluke Digital Multi 189 In New Smyrna Beach, FL, USA, Fluke multimeters (CAT#: STEM-AIPO-0466-YJL)


0.025% basic DC accuracy
50,000-count resolution with instant readings enables detailed analyses
100 kHz ac bandwidth opens the possibilities of modern applications not possible with less capable DMMs

Cat Number: STEM-AIPO-0466-YJL

Application: For measuring

Model: Fluke 189

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Fluke Digital Multi 189 In New Smyrna Beach, FL, USA, model Fluke 189 is manufactured by Fluke multimeters.
The Fluke 187 and 189 both have on-line logging capabilities when connected to a PC.


Condition: Used
Vdc high range: 1.0kV
Digits: 4.5
Measurements: DCV, ACV, Resistance, ACA, Capacitance, TRMS


0.025% basic DC accuracy
50,000-count resolution with instant readings enables detailed analyses
100 kHz ac bandwidth opens the possibilities of modern applications not possible with less capable DMMs
Internal memory allows for stand alone logging of measurement changes (up to 3 days) indentifying stable and unstable periods with a real-time stamp.
MIN MAX to record and timestamp values in real-time.
250 µS Fast MIN MAX for peak transient capture.
Temperature readings in ºC or ºF using optional K-type thermocouple
Enhanced ranges, such as dc voltage measurements down to 10 µV, and capacitance up to 50,000 µF
Multiple reading display with bargraph has two-level backlight

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