FORTUNA® Optima Glass Syringes With Interchangeable Components, 10 mL, Glass Luer Tip Style, Poulten & Graf Ltd. (CAT#: STEM-L-8460-LC)


Interchangeable barrels and plungers
Flanges flat on two sides to prevent syringe rolling
Colored ring on plunger ends facilitate to measure volume

Cat Number: STEM-L-8460-LC

Application: For injection

Model: Z314358

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The FORTUNA® Optima Glass Syringes With Interchangeable Components manufactured by Poulten & Graf Ltd. feature glass Luer tip.


Material: Borosilicate glass
Capacity: 10 mL


Interchangeable barrels and plungers
Flanges flat on two sides to prevent syringe rolling
Colored ring on plunger ends facilitate to measure volume
Conformity certified by H mark

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