FTB-7400B Singlemode Fiber OTDR Module, Exfo (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-0685-ZJF)


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-0685-ZJF

Application: To characterize, troubleshoot and maintain optical telecommunication networks

Model: FTB-7400B

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The manufacturer of the FTB-7400B Singlemode Fiber OTDR Moduleis Exfo.
The product is located in Saratoga, CA, USA.


Condition: Certified Pre-owned
Wavelength: 1550nm
Dynamic range at 10 µs (dB): 40
Dynamic range at 20 µs (dB): 40.5
Event dead zone (m): 3
Distance range (km): 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 260
Pulse width (ns): 10, 30, 100, 275, 1000, 2500, 10000, 20000
Linearity (dB/dB): ± 0.05
Loss threshold (dB): 0.01
Loss resolution (dB): 0.001
Sampling resolution (m): 0.08 to 5
Sampling points: Up to 52000
Distance uncertainty (m): ± (1 + 0.0025 % x distance)
Measurement time: User-defined (60 min maximum)
Real-time refresh (s): 1
Stable source output power (dBm): ヨ5


In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

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