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G1311A QuatPump 3, Hewlett Packard (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0495-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0495-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: G1311A

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The manufacturer of the G1311A QuatPump 3, Hewlett Packard is Hewlett Packard.
Refurbished Hewlett Packard 1100 Series G1311A Quaternary Pump (HP QUATPUMP).


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Hydraulic system: Dual plunger in series pump with proprietary servo-controlled variable stroke drive, floating plungers and active inlet valve
Setable flow: 0.001 – 10 ml/min, in 0.001 ml/min increments
Flow precision: £ 0.07% RSD, or £ 0.02 min SD whatever is greater, based on retention time at constant room temperature
Flow accuracy: ± 1% or 10 µl/min whatever is greater
Operating range 0 – 40 MPa (0 – 400 bar, 0 – 5880 psi) up to 5 ml/min
Operating range 0 – 20 MPa (0 – 200 bar, 0 – 2950 psi) up to 10 ml/min
Pressure pulsation: pulsation < 2 % amplitude (typically < 1 %), at 1 ml/min is opropanol, at all pressures > 1 MPa (10 bar)
Compressibility compensation: User-selectable, based on mobile phase compressibility
Recommended pH: 1.0 – 12.5, solvents with pH < 2.3 should not contain acids which attack stainless steel
Gradient formation: Low pressure quaternary mixing/gradient capability using proprietary high-speed proportioning valve Delay volume 800 – 1100 µl, dependent on back pressure
Composition Range: 0 – 95 % or 5 – 100 %, user selectable
Composition Precision: < 0.2 % RSD, at 0.2 and 1 ml/min
Control and data evaluation: Agilent control software (e.g. Chem Station, EZ Chrom, OL, etc.)
Communications: Controller-area network (CAN), GPIB, RS-232C, APG Remote: ready, start, stop and shut-down signals, LAN optional
Safety and maintenance: Extensive diagnostics, error detection and display (through control module and Agilent Lab Monitor & Diagnostic Software), leak detection, safe leak handling, leak output signal for shut down of pumping system. Low voltages in major maintenance areas.
Glp features: Early maintenance feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of instrument usage in terms of seal wear and volume of pumped mobile phase with user-settable limits and feedback messages. Electronic records of maintenance and errors.
Housing: All materials recyclable


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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