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GCMS-QP2020 NX Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS), Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-LE-1163-LC)


Smart SIM creation function-automatically creates a program that enables interleaved SIM cards of multiple components, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the SIM card
Fast CI function-allows users to introduce reagent gas while using EI source to find molecular ions
Advanced scanning speed protocol-allows scanning speeds up to 20,000 u/sec

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1163-LC

Application: MS

Model: GCMS-QP2020 NX

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The rugged, high-sensitivity GCMS-QP2020 NX uses a proprietary multi-function ion source and a new large-capacity turbo molecular pump, which has higher exhaust efficiency for all carrier gases, including nitrogen, and enhances GCMS performance to a new Level. The new Quick-CI and Smart SIM features reduce analysis time and operating costs. Other features of GCMS-QP2020 NX include a large-capacity differential vacuum system; high-sensitivity ion source; high-performance quadrupole mass filter; easy to stop, allowing users to perform maintenance at the inlet without venting the MS, which greatly Reduced maintenance time.


Temperature Range:50C to 350C
Resolution:0.5 to 2.0 u
Ionization Method(s):EI, CI, NCI
Mass Analyzer:Metal quadrupole with pre-rod
Scanning Speed:20,000 u/sec
Mass Range:1.5 to 1090 m/z


Smart SIM creation function-automatically creates a program that enables interleaved SIM cards of multiple components, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the SIM card
Fast CI function-allows users to introduce reagent gas while using EI source to find molecular ions
Advanced scanning speed protocol-allows scanning speeds up to 20,000 u/sec
New turbomolecular pump achieves best performance with all carrier gases
Access the ion source from the front, making routine maintenance easier and faster
Simultaneous scan/SIM at a time to obtain qualitative and quantitative data
Dual-line mass spectrometer system-allows GCMS-QP2020 NX to simultaneously receive two narrow-bore capillary columns into the mass spectrometer, allowing users to switch applications without physical modification of the column installation
The professional database with additional retention index supports more accurate qualitative analysis and facilitates quantitative method development and screening analysis.

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