GE Ettan™ Spot Picker, Camera Calibration Foot, Cytiva (CAT#: STEM-E-0105-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-E-0105-LKN

Application: Protein Electrophoresis.

Model: 18-1143-33

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The Ettan Spot Picker from Cytiva is a robotic system designed for accurately picking protein spots from stained or destained 2-D gels, and transfer the picked proteins into microplate wells in preparation for analyses such as digestion and protein identification by MALDI mass spectrometry. The efficiency is greater than 99.9%. Ettan Spot Picker is supplied with 1.4 mm and 2.0 mm picker heads, reference markers, gel holders, gel tray, and microplate racks. A Protective Hood, which minimizes risk of gel contamination, is optional.