Grace Bio-Labs CultureWell Chambered Coverglass, Wells 4, Volume 50-100 μL, Grace Bio-Labs, Inc. (CAT#: STEM-CC-0347-LC)


Leak-proof design avoids cross contamination between wells.
Gaskets stabilize coverglass and provide convenient handling with conventional microscope slide holders and accessories.
Reusable gaskets are removable for high resolution imaging.

Cat Number: STEM-CC-0347-LC

Application: Ideal for high resolution microscopy and high-sensitivity, quantitative, fluorescent imaging

Model: GBL103340

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The Grace Bio-Labs CultureWell Chambered Coverglass manufactured by Grace Bio-Labs, Inc. consists of removable / reusable non-cytotoxic silicone gaskets secured to 24 mm × 50 mm, number 1.5 German coverglass. They may be placed in sterile culture plates or 100 mm diameter culture dishes.


Sterility: Sterile
Wells: 4
External L × W: 61 mm × 24 mm
Well diam. × thickness: 9 mm × 1 mm
Well volume: 50-100 μL


Leak-proof design avoids cross contamination between wells.
Gaskets stabilize coverglass and provide convenient handling with conventional microscope slide holders and accessories.
Reusable gaskets are removable for high resolution imaging.
Well spacing is suitable for liquid handling with multichannel pipettes and robotic dispensers.

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