GSA PT 1000 Gravimetric Sorption Analyzer,UHV to 150 bar, -150 up to 1800°C, Linseis Inc (CAT#: STEM-LE-0235-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0235-LC

Application: Gas Sorption Analysis, Sorption Enthalpies (Simultaneous TG/DSC-Sensor), Density Determination, Gas Storage, Zeolites, Catalysts In-situ Gas Analysis (FTIR, Raman, ELIF), Kinetic Analysis, Corrosive Atmospheres - Magnetic Suspension Balance, Adsorption Isotherms (BET Surface Analysis), TPD, TPO, TPR measurements

Model: GSA PT 1000

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The GSA PT 1000 series is built on the well proven linseis microbalance design. There are two versions of this ultra-sensitive microbalance, 0.1/1ug for the sample weight 5/25g. A variety of environmental chambers are available, with operating temperatures ranging from -150 up to 1800°C and UHV (ultra high vacuum) to 350 bar.


Measuring Range: UHV to 150 bar, -150 up to 1800°C

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