Hartell PumpsAutomatic Condensate Pump, 115VAC, 2.2 Amps (CAT#: STEM-LAPO-0089-YJL)


with stainless steel shaft.
Suitable for gas condensing furnace applications.
Factory installed full-flow check valve.

Cat Number: STEM-LAPO-0089-YJL

Application: It is the ideal pump for heavy-duty residential and commercial applications.

Model: PAB3X-1

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Hartell PumpsAutomatic Condensate Pump, 115VAC, 2.2 Amps, model PAB3X-1, is manufactured by Hartell Pumps.
Different types of used Pumps Miscellaneous include used aspirators, pump head kits, metering pumps and more.


Condition: Used
Electrical: 115VAC, 60Hz, 2.2 Amps
Model: PAB3X-1
Current: 2.2A
Voltage: 115v
Check valve: Integral
Motor Speed: 3000 rpm
Flow Rate at Lift of 6': 155 gal/h
Flow Rate at Lift of 12': 135 gal/h
Flow Rate at Lift of 18': 90 gal/h
Flow Rate at Lift of 20": 68 gal/h
Auxiliary Switch: Yes
Cord and Plug: 6ft
Head Size: 22 ft1 inches
Capped Inlet: 11/8 inches1 3/8 inches
Barbed Outlet: 3/8 inches
Shut off: 22 ft
20' Tubing: No
Unit Dimensions (Wx Dx H): 9.25"x6"x9.75"
Weight: 6 lb
Reservoir: 4 quart
Max.Temperature: 110 F
Mast.Ctn.: 4 pcs.


with stainless steel shaft.
Suitable for gas condensing furnace applications.
Factory installed full-flow check valve.
Available with auxiliary safety switch.

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