Howorth Air Technology Multi Chamber Cytotoxic Isolator, 188.98 x 39.37 x 94.49 in - 1102.30 lb, Howorth Air Technology (CAT#: STEM-CCPO-0042-LJX)


All access panels and hatch doors have a compressed air inflatable seal
Actuated support columns allow adjustment of isolation height for improved ergonomics

Cat Number: STEM-CCPO-0042-LJX

Application: For isolation.

Model: Multi Chamber Cytotoxic Isolator

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Predominantly designed for weighing out and mixing of R&D API's in a contained and controlled environment with HMI for mode control.
Pass through box on left hand side for setting up weighing chamber number one. Chamber two for bagging up and safe removal of API and contaminated equipment.
The equipment includes:
Mettler Toledo balance and remote display Control switches inside chamber for zero, tare and print for reduced operations
Oxygen depletion alarm
Internal wash in place hoses in each chamber plus drain down nozzles
Chamber and HEPA filter pressure monitoring
Material Construction: Stainless Steel 316L/304
400V, 50Hz, 6 Amp
Internal atmosphere of chamber is rated EX 3G IIA T4 (zone 2)
Note: The isolator is fitted with a Kinematica homogeniser


Condition: Used
Material of Construction: STAINLESS STEEL
Recommended Packaging Form: CUSTOM PALLET
Dimensions: Standard
Overall: 188.98 x 39.37 x 94.49 in - 1102.30 lb


All access panels and hatch doors have a compressed air inflatable seal
Actuated support columns allow adjustment of isolation height for improved ergonomics

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