HPLC Parts, Dionex (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0557-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0557-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: Various

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The manufacturer of the HPLC Parts, Dionex is Dionex.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Dionex Poly Vial Filter Caps for 5.0ml Vials (p/n 038009)
Dionex/Thermo Ultimate 3000 VWD-3400RS optics (p/n 6074.1010) for parts
Dionex Syringe, 1000μl, WPS-3000 (p/n 6822.0005)
ITT Pomona Electronics Cable Assembly (p/n 2249-C72)
Assy, Tubing, W/FTG 12IN (p/n 035936)
FLTR, Slip- ON, 20μ HDPE (p/n 038260)
Slider, Valve, 3- Way, BF 2 (p/n 038647)
PORT Face, Valve, BF (p/n 038599)
Body, Check Valve, GPM (p/n 038268)
Union, ¼ -28X ¼ - 28, 02 (p/n 039296)
Assy. Thermo flare Tube, 012X4 (p/n 039335)
Assy. Thermo flare Tube, 012X8 (p/n 039336)
B-D 1ml Syringe (p/n 309602)
B-D 5ml Syringe (p/n 309603)
Assy, Needle Seal, RV- 1/ MIV (p/n 041263)
Assy, Damper, Valve, GPM-2 (p/n 041266)
Assy. Thermo flare Tube, 012X5 (p/n 041546)
Assy, BKPRESS, 4mm, SRS (p/n 045877)
Ion Pac® AG11-HC Guard 4X50mm (p/n 052962)
New & used Dionex Disposable Electrode Carbohydrate Certified (p/n 060139)
Thermo Triplus RSH autosampler syringe (available part numbers: 36500525 & 3650029)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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