The Humidity Generating Systems/Conditioners are unique. Humidity, dehumidification, heating, cooling and circulation sources are all packaged in a separate unit. These conditioners are designed to produce very precise humidity and temperature control. Because these generator sets are independent, they can easily be used to adjust existing spaces, small walk-in rooms and custom rooms. The conditioners can be placed in the existing room or on the top or side of the room to allow the conditioned air to circulate through the contained space.
Temperature Range:5deg;C to 50deg;C (depending on model) Exterior Dimensions:varies with model Interior Dimensions:varies with model Humidity Range:20 to 93% RH (depending on model) Type:Vertical, Temperature and Humidity Volume:varies with model Type:Horizontal, Temperature / Humidity Dimensions:varies with model Size:30 cu.ft. Temperature Control:100 to 200 cfm, 250 to 400 cfm, 400 to 700 cfm Accuracy:RH Accuracy: +/- 1.0%, Temperature Accuracy: +/- 0.2C
Accurate temperature and humidity control High-grade temperature compensated humidity sensor Stainless steel structure High or low alarm Compact packaging Consistent and accurate results Confidence in measurement conditions Durable Safe Easy to apply
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