IDP-3 Dry Scroll Pump (CAT#: AM-LE-0432-Y)

Cat Number: AM-LE-0432-Y

Application: • Leak detection<br />• GC Mass Spectrometry<br />• Helium recirculation

Model: IDP3A01

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IDP-3 Dry Scroll Pump is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. It adopts single-sided turbine design and has the characteristics of high air tightness. It is an oil-free, compact and low-noise high-performance vacuum pump. The high pumping speed and compact size make it ideal for many applications in research, analytical instruments and the laboratory market.


Pumping speed:
60 Hz/24 VDC: 60 l/m, 3.6 m3/h
50 Hz: 50 l/m, 3.0 m3/h
Ultimate vacuum: 3.3 x 10-1 mbar, 2.5 x 10-1 Torr
Motor rated power/operating voltage: 0.16 HP (120 W)/100-120; 200-240 VAC

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