IGA-003-MC Binary Gas Sorption Analyzer, Operation Pressure Range From 0.5 to 3 bar, Hiden Isochema (CAT#: STEM-OAI-0027-LKN)


Dynamic mode gas delivery with gas flow calibration.
Specialized sample reactor with combined bath/heater for constant temperature.
Optimizing the sampling interface using a tightly coupled Hidn mass spectrometer.

Cat Number: STEM-OAI-0027-LKN

Application: For binary gas sorption analysis

Model: IGA-003-MC

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IGA-003-MC Binary Gas Sorption Analyzer is manufactured by Hiden Isochema. This product is a gravimetric analyzer for binary gas adsorption analysis.The IMB method allows the measurement of binary gas adsorption isotherms by combining the controlled flow rate of the mixture with in situ gravimetric measurements and composition analysis of the outlet gas using mass spectrometers.


Pressure Range: 0.5 to 3 bar.
Sample Size: 3.5 grams.


Dynamic mode gas delivery with gas flow calibration.
Specialized sample reactor with combined bath/heater for constant temperature.
Optimizing the sampling interface using a tightly coupled Hidn mass spectrometer.
Unique IMB method for partial absorption determination.