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iKon-L SO CCD Camera, Up to 5 MHz Pixel Readout Speed, Andor Technology (CAT#: STEM-LE-1460-Y)


1 MP and 4.2 MP sensor options;
Cropped sensor mode;
13.5 x 13.5 µm pixel size;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1460-Y

Application: iKon-L SO CCD Camera can simultaneously perform high dynamic range and high spatial resolution imaging in the VUV and soft X-ray range.

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The iKon-L SO CCD Camera is manufactured by Andor Technology, the iKon series combines>95% QE back-illuminated sensors, low-noise readout electronics and industry-leading maintenance-free deep TE cooling (down to -100° C), provides excellent sensitivity performance, with high-resolution 1 million and 4.2 million pixel large-area sensor options (with 13 and 13.5μm pixels respectively).


Type: CCD
Pixel resolution: 2048 x 2048
Frame rate: 0.95 fps
Cooling method: thermoelectric cooling


1 MP and 4.2 MP sensor options;
Cropped sensor mode;
13.5 x 13.5 µm pixel size;
Enhanced baseline clamp;
95% peak QE;
Integrated in EPICS;
Thermoelectric cooling temperature is as low as -100°C;
Windows, Linux & Labview;
Low noise reading as low as 2.9 e-;
Up to 5MHz pixel readout speed;
Provide maximum flexibility;
USB 2.0 interface;
Filter and filter holder options;
Open front end;

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