Imaging dendritic spines in the hippocampus of a living mouse by 3D-stimulated emission depletion microscopy (CAT#: STEM-MIT-0357-LJX)


Dendrites are short, branching protrusions from the cell body of a neuron. The dendrite receives impulses from other neurons, so its range is representative of the range of stimuli received by that neuron.
Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy has been used to address a wide range of neurobiological questions in optically well-accessible samples, such as cell culture or brain slices.


Stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy uses two light sources. One source emits light that excites the fluorophores, and the other emits a ring laser of different wavelengths, which is used to suppress fluorescence.


Imaging of the intensity distribution of the fluorescent sample
Imaging of living samples
Measuring of the fluorescence lifetime and fluorescence correlation spectrum of the fluorescent samples
Used in the fields of biology, medicine and materials science


1. Sampling
2. Preparation of slices
3. Staining (Select according to the specific experimental situation)
4. Observation


• Sample Type:
Dendritic spines in the hippocampus of a living mouse


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