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In Vivo Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity (DIO) Mice Model (CAT#: STEM-AE-0661-LGZ)


Metabolic diseases are diseases caused by the accumulation or deficiency of certain metabolic substances such as sugars, fats, proteins (amino acids), purines, pyrimidines, and copper when biochemical processes in the body are disrupted. Symptoms vary in severity and diagnosis depends on clinical manifestations and blood, urine and other biochemical tests. There is no effective cure, the main is to eliminate the cause and symptomatic treatment. The prognosis depends on the etiology, severity of symptoms and treatment effect.


Obesity is considered a major risk factor for chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. A fat-rich diet causes obesity in mice. In experiments with mice, a positive correlation was found between the amount of fat in the diet and weight or fat gain. Typically a high-fat diet comprises 30-78% of total energy intake, either by adding a specific fat to the animal's diet or by using a variety of supermarket foods that are high in fat and sugar (cafeteria diet).


Metabolic Disease


1. Disease model construction.
2. Mice dosing.
3. Efficacy monitoring.
4. Biochemical detection of tissue samples.


• Sample Type: liquid or powder