Interchim PuriFlash XS 420 HPLC, 220-240 VOLTS, Interchim (CAT#: STEM-CSAPO-0008-LJX)


Manufacturer info:
>95% Recovery, 1.0 mAU UV Threshold
4g - 800g Flash Columns

Cat Number: STEM-CSAPO-0008-LJX

Application: For analysis and detection.

Model: PuriFlash XS 420

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Safe bench-top installation with the integrated fume enclosure maximizes lab productivity by performing flash purification outside the fume hood.
Purification of synthesis reaction mixtures, natural product extracts, proteins and peptides from mg to gram quantities are easily accomplished with the PuriFlash XS 420. The multi-wavelength UV-DAD (diode array detection) includes real-time full spectra scanning to confirm purity.
The heart of the instrument is the iQuat gradient HPLC pump, which provides a quaternary gradient plus a dedicated purge line (A+B+C+D, i). A ten-second isopropanol purge prepares the flow path for either normal or reverse phase. The pump has 1% accuracy, which allows for shallow gradients without having to premix the mobile phase. Zero to 5% MeOH in DCM over 20 column volumes is accurate and reproducible.


Condition: Used
Voltage: 220-240 VOLTS
Year: 2018
Recommended Packaging Form: PALLET
Dimensions: Standard
Overall: 14 x 19 x 30 IN - 50 LBS


Manufacturer info:
>95% Recovery, 1.0 mAU UV Threshold
4g - 800g Flash Columns
4 - 300 ml/min @ 20 bar / 290 PSI
Less than 14 Inches Wide
Two Collection Racks, 18 x 150mm Tubes
UV Diode Array Detector
Reliable and Precise HPLC Pump
10-Second Switch, Normal to Reverse Phase
TLC to Gradient Programming
15-Inch HD Touch Screen Controller
Easy Access to UV Lamp and Flow Cell
Collector Needle Wash, No Cross-Contamination
Install on a Bench, Outside the Fume Hood

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