LED-X FlashLight with Holder, 3.0 oz, Zarbeco, LLC (CAT#: STEM-M-0046-YJL)

Cat Number: STEM-M-0046-YJL

Application: For longer and brighter imaging

Model: LED-Xset

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LED-X FlashLight with Holder, 3.0 oz, model LED-Xset is manufactured by Zarbeco, LLC.
Our portable specially modified LED Flashlight with double flashlight holder allows portable hands-free side lighting for MiScopes or other digital microscopes. Turn LEDs off on MiScope (MiScope with on/off switch), MiScope Megapixel 3, MiScope Megapixel 3 Extended Field, or MiScope Megapixel 4k, and use the flashlight for raking light for better texture and colors in an image. The flashlight has a powerful bright white light and is specially modified for longer and brighter imaging. It comes with AAA battery.


Weight: 3.0 oz

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