LI-210 Photometric Sensor, LI-COR Biosciences (CAT#: STEM-LE-0218-LC)

Cat Number: STEM-LE-0218-LC

Application: Used for interior and industrial lighting, outdoor illuminance, passive solar energy, architecture and lighting models, illumination engineering, and biological sciences that require illuminance measurements.

Model: LI-210

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LI-210 Photometric Sensor uses a filtered silicon photodiode to offer a spectral response which matches the CIE curve within ± 5% with most light sources. The combination of photodiode and filter is placed in a sensor head that is fully cosine corrected to provide an appropriate response to radiation at various angles of incidence.


Sensitivity: Typically 30 µA per 100 klux
Detector(s): High Stability Silicon Photovoltaic
Response Time: 10 usec
Linearity: Max. Dev. 1% up to 100 klux

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