Loma Metal Check, 115V (CAT#: STEM-LAPO-0169-YJL)


used in a wide variety of applications in pharmaceutical and consumer industries for verifying product weight or completeness

Cat Number: STEM-LAPO-0169-YJL

Application: For checking the weight of packaged commodities

Model: Superscan Pharm

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Loma Metal Check, 115V, model Superscan Pharm, is manufactured by Loma Systems.
The correct operating frequency is key to the detection of metals used in the food, pharmaceutical and packaging industries.


Condition: Used
Aperture Size: 100W, 20H
Frequency: 819.2 KHz
Power: 115V, 1A, 60Hz


used in a wide variety of applications in pharmaceutical and consumer industries for verifying product weight or completeness

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