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MassTrak Online Solid-Phase Extraction Analyzer, Waters Corporation (CAT#: STEM-LE-1978-LC)


Fully automated testing workflow
24 hours unattended operation
Operates with minimal technical skills

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1978-LC

Application: Solid Phase Extraction

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The MassTrak Online SPE Analyzer is designed to overcome many of the challenges related to the use of LC-MS in any clinical laboratory.


Syringe Sizes:up to 250 µL
SPE Format:48 sample vial or two 96-well microplate
Components:ACQUITY UPLC Online SPE Manager (OSM)
Interfaces directly with ACQUITY UPLC®
Capacity for two online SPE cartridge trays
Performs SPE loading, washing, and elution in parallel with LC/MS analysis
Can utilize up to 23 solvents for SPE with binary solvent delivery capability
Four modes of operation for method development or sample processing (Sample Extraction, Advanced Method Development, Multi-Dimensional SPE, Bypass)
ACQUITY UPLC Binary Solvent Manager
Can use up to four solvents for UPLC separations
ACQUITY UPLC Column Manager
Capacity for up to four 50 mm or two 100 mm UPLC columns
ACQUITY UPLC Sample Manager
48 sample vial or two 96-well microplate sample capacity with temperature control
Up to 250 µL sample injection capacity
Optional sample manager upgrade to increase system sample capacity
Advanced tandem quadrupole MS detector for quantitative applications
MASSTRAK Online SPE Cartridges
Single use, 10 mm x 1 mm UPLC® compatible SPE cartridges
96 SPE cartridges in a cartridge tray
RFID equipped cartridge tray
ACQUITY UPLC Online SPE Management Software
Intuitive software control of all SPE parameters and operation modes


Fully automated testing workflow
24 hours unattended operation
Operates with minimal technical skills
Enhanced data consistency and LC-MS instrument uptime
Quickly optimize new methods to suit test menu expansion
Easy integration with various LIMS to easily generate reports
Eliminates the need for routine testing or careful analysis of complex results for highly skilled employees