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MAZESOFT-8 Software, Bioseb (CAT#: STEM-LEAR-1165-YJL)


Complete and easy-to-use for standard experiment
Use of photoelectrical cell technology for animal position detection
Manual or automatic control of the doors

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-1165-YJL

Application: LEARNING AND MEMORY: <br />- Learning disabilities associated with aging<br />- Alzheimer’s disease and brain damages<br />- Huntington's disease<br />- Multiple sclerosis<br />- Parkinson's disease<br />- HIV<br />- Studies about learning and memory neurobiological mechanisms<br />- Learning and memory abilities in response to drugs administration


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MAZESOFT-8 Software, model MAZESOFT8 is manufactured by Bioseb
MAZESOFT-8 is a complete and easy-to-use software for monitoring radial maze experiments. It has been specially designed to work with the BIOSEB radial maze apparatus equipped with rows of infrared photocells for the automated detection of animal position.
The software allows for the full control of the arm doors either manually (by means of a button panel in the computer screen) or automatically, when a trained subject is being tested.


Parameters Measured:
• Duration of the experiment
• Current position of the animal (rat or mouse)
• Number of working memory errors (first "visit” in the baited arms)
• Number of reference memory (number of "visits” in the unbaited arms)
• Number of working/reference memory (number of repeated "visits” into the baited arms)
• Total number of visited arms
• Response latency (total duration of the experiment / total number of visited arms)
• Number of different arms visited during the experiment (between 0 and 8)
• Number of arms visited until an 'error' (last arm visited included)
• List table showing the chronological order of the visited arms
• List table showing the chronological order of the entries into the arms
• List table showing the chronological order of the entries into the different zones of the radial maze


Complete and easy-to-use for standard experiment
Use of photoelectrical cell technology for animal position detection
Manual or automatic control of the doors
Provides integrated parameters (number of errors, number of distinct arms visited... )
Data reports can be re-organised according to factors entered in the trial header (animal, groups... )
Data exportation to Excel

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