Measurement of Egg Shells by Beta Backscatter (CAT#: STEM-ST-0174-YJL)


The eggshell has been shaped through evolution to resist physical and pathogen challenges from the external environment, while satisfying the metabolic and nutritional needs of the developing embryo by regulating gas and water exchange, and serving as a calcium store. Eggshell ultrastructure varies considerably. The shell of the egg is composed of calcium carbonate (about 94%) with small amounts of magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate and other organic matter, including protein.


Beta Backscatter is a non-destructive, direct-contact method of coatings measurement. Beta backscatter instruments can measure coatings that have at least a 20% density difference from the coating and substrate. Thus, beta can be used measure Au/Ni, but not Ni/Cu. Increased density difference between the coating and substrate equates to increased accuracy and faster measurements. The range of thickness that can be measured is determined by the strength of the beta source located in the probe.


It is widely used in gold, silver, lead-tin alloy and other metal and non-metal coatings.


1. Sample preparation
2. Measurement by scattering detection instrument
3. Data analysis


Beta backscatter instruments