Met One Laser Particle Counter, Hach (CAT#: STEM-AIAEPO-0013-ZJF)


AC or battery operation; print count results
0.3 μm (237B) or 0.5 μm (237A) at 0.1 cfm (2.83 LPM) flow rate
2 to 6 size channels

Cat Number: STEM-AIAEPO-0013-ZJF

Application: Monitor and verify cleanrooms;<br />Test filters in place;<br />Investigate particle sources; <br />Monitor Laminar Air F low (LAF), biohazard benches, cleanroom laundries, HVAC systems, computer rooms, food and beverage packaging, hospital pharmacies, surgery rooms, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), aerospace assembly, medical device assembly, automotive paint spray booths.

Model: 237A/B

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The Met One Laser Particle Counter is manufactured by Hach.
MET ONE 237A and MET ONE 237B portable air particle counters are rugged, simple to use and light. With an inbuilt battery and integral printer the MET ONE 237 Series is ideal for monitoring large cleanrooms in addition to more demanding controlled environments such as LAF workstations, hospital pharmacies, and aerospace applications.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Electrical: 9V, 1 Amp
Flow: 0.1 CFM


AC or battery operation; print count results
0.3 μm (237B) or 0.5 μm (237A) at 0.1 cfm (2.83 LPM) flow rate
2 to 6 size channels
4 counting modes
Use with PortAll™ Version 2 software

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