MicroSEQ™ ID Microbial Identification Software V3.1 Bundle, MicroSEQ™, Thermo Fisher Scientific (CAT#: STEM-AS-0290-LSY)


A validated library of more than 3000 microbial sequences helps ensure you get the answers you need
Automatic identification of unknown specimens
Run the plate directly on the Applied Biosystems 3500 series genetic analyzer through MicroSEQ ID software

Cat Number: STEM-AS-0290-LSY

Application: For microbial identification

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MicroSEQ™ ID Microbial Identification Software V3.1 Bundle, MicroSEQ™, model A30371 is manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific. MicroSEQ ID microbial identification software v3.1 allows you to easily identify and classify unidentified bacterial or fungal sequences with a verified microbial library. The bundle includes a library of bacterial and fungal sequences. For research use only. Not used in the diagnostic process.
The MicroSEQ ID sequence library consists of a 500 bp 16S rDNA sequence bacterial library and more than 2300 verified entries, including wide coverage of Gram-negative non-fermenting bacteria, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium and Staphylococcus, And one contains more than 10 1100 entries. The automatic ID function in MicroSEQ ID software uses a set of editable parameters to automatically identify unknown samples.
Run the plate directly on the 3500/3500xL instrument via MicroSEQ ID software. Users of Applied Biosystems 3500 series genetic analyzers can now run plates directly on these instruments through the MicroSEQ ID software v3.1 user interface, without using Autoanalysis Manager.
The MicroSEQ system simplifies every step of microbial identification, combining the advantages of MicroSEQ ID software with easy-to-use PrepMan Ultra sample preparation reagents and protocols, MicroSEQ bacteria and fungi application kits, and industry-leading thermal cyclers and sequencing systems.


Product Line: MicroSEQ™
Shipping Condition: Room Temperature
Software Type: Sequence Analysis, Identification
Number: A30371
Unit specifications: 1 each


A validated library of more than 3000 microbial sequences helps ensure you get the answers you need
Automatic identification of unknown specimens
Run the plate directly on the Applied Biosystems 3500 series genetic analyzer through MicroSEQ ID software
MicroSEQ system is a complete integrated solution, including security, audit and electronic signature functions
Provide identification and verification support

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