The 6520 25 Person First Aid Kit manufactured by Morrison Medical provides all necessary first aid supplies, making it ideal for use in places such as medium sized companies, daycare centers, and public transportation. The 25 Person First Aid Kit contain bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, gloves, cold pack, and first aid cream, which are packaged in water resistant plastic case that measure 10 x 7 x 3 inches with hinged, gasketed lid.
100 Adhesive Bandage Strips, 1 x 3 in 6 Gauze Pads, 3 x 3 in 1 Combine Dressing, 5 x 9 in 2 Oval Eye Pads 1 Triangular Bandage 1 Elastic Bandage, 2 in 10 Antiseptic Towelettes 2 Pair Latex Gloves 1 Instant Cold Pack 10 First Aid Cream Packets 2 Tape Rolls, 1/2 in x 2 1/2 yds Scissors Forceps Case size: 10 x 7 x 3 in
Ideal for first aid up to 25 people Plastic carrying case included
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