Muller 250kg Rated Bin Lifter, 551.15 lb, Muller GmbH (CAT#: STEM-LAPO-0001-LJX)


The Muller drum lifting, rotating, and flipping columns, which are cost-effective, safe, ergonomic, and quiet, can perform all handling tasks in your production facility.
These systems were originally developed for the pharmaceutical industry and are in high demand in the chemical and food industries. Muller lifters have become the standard for material handling in cleanrooms around the world.

Cat Number: STEM-LAPO-0001-LJX

Application: For lifting.

Model: 903482

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A lift is a mechanical device that carries goods up and down a vertical passage, consisting of a platform and equipment, motors, cables, and other auxiliary equipment used to operate the platform.
Compact, sturdy, durable, and reliable are synonymous with Muller lifter systems. Muller lifters have become the global standard for clean room material handling, whether it is lifting, inverted lifting, rotating, or simultaneously performing these three types of lifting. The compact footprint and customized features allow for perfect integration with your existing processing system.


CE Marked: YES
Condition: Used
Type of Lift: BIN OR TOTE
Capacity Size: 551.15 lb
Operation: MANUAL
Lifting Device: DRUM


The Muller drum lifting, rotating, and flipping columns, which are cost-effective, safe, ergonomic, and quiet, can perform all handling tasks in your production facility.
These systems were originally developed for the pharmaceutical industry and are in high demand in the chemical and food industries. Muller lifters have become the standard for material handling in cleanrooms around the world.

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