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Nano LC-1D Plus Pump, Eksigent (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0592-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0592-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: Nano LC-1D Plus

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The manufacturer of the Nano LC-1D Plus Pump, Eksigent is Eksigent.
Refurbished Eksigent NanoLC-1D Plus with Eksigent 920 autosampler, and Analyst Tempo LC device control software powered by Eksigent (p/n EKSG-CS-AB). Also, includes additional isocratic pump for sample loading.
Eksigent's second-generation NanoLC system delivers stable, reproducible separations for peptide/protein identification, phosphopeptide analysis, biomarker discovery, metabolomics, and more. The NanoLC-1Dplus is a one-dimensional nano HPLC configured with a third pump and includes an autosampler for rapid injection of large sample volumes supporting full loop, partial loop, and zero sample loss modes. The systems easily integrates with Thermo Electron's Xcalibur software, Bruker Daltonics HyStar system and ABI/Sciex Analyst software.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Flow Rate Range: 20-1000 nL/min (other ranges available with flow module swap) 1-30 ÂμL/min for sample loading pump
Pump Type: Microfluidic direct pumping system with independent flow control feedback for each mobile phase. Retention time RSD < 0.5% at 500 nL/min
Gradient Formation: High-pressure gradient mixing, no flow splitting
Delay Volume: 65 nL from mixer to column
Delay Time: < 25 sec at 500 nL/min
Mobile Phase Compatibility: All mobile phases compatible with 316 stainless steel, PEEK, and silica
Injections: Standard, metered and rapid injection modes
Injection Volume: 200 nL - 50 ÂμL; option for larger sample volumes available
Columns: Optimized for use with 50-150 Âμm i.d. columns, 5-15 cm in length
Peak Parking: Response time from 500-100 nL/min typically < 4 seconds at spray tip. Response time can vary with external hardware configuration
Autosampler: One 96- or 384-well plate capacity Peltier type temperature maintained sample compartment. 5-40° C; cooling capacity 12° C below ambient Dual needle design for seal piercing Integral 6-port biocompatible injection valve
Power Requirements: 100-240 VAC, 4/63 Hz, 3A
Width: 14 inches (35 cm)
Depth: 15 inches (38 cm)
Height: 8 inches (20 cm)
Optional: Agilent SS420X Interface & Vici Valco two position actuator (m/n EPCA)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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