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Nikon Diaphot Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope, Nikon (CAT#: STEM-M-1311-LGZ)


1. Phase contrast condenser with extra long working distance.
2. Phase contrast 40x long working distance objective.
3. Phase contrast 20x long working distance objective.

Cat Number: STEM-M-1311-LGZ

Application: For cell culture, micromanipulation, documentation of immunostained specimens, and routine live cell examinations.

Model: Diaphot

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The manufacturer of Nikon Diaphot Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope is Nikon. Model is Diaphot. Nikon diaphragm phase contrast inverted microscope with dual camera ports. The microscope is in good condition.


Condition: used
Camera Ports
Fixed Stage
Phase Contrast 2 ELWED .3 Turret
10x CFW Eyepiece
Plan 4x PhL
Plan 10x Ph1
Plan 20x Ph2
Plan 40x Ph3


1. Phase contrast condenser with extra long working distance.
2. Phase contrast 40x long working distance objective.
3. Phase contrast 20x long working distance objective.
4. Phase contrast 10x objective.
5. Brightfield 4x objective.
6. 2 ea 10x wide-angle eyepiece.
7. Mechanical x y stage.
8. Build on Bertrand lenses.
9. 2 x magnification device.
10. 50 Watt transmitted halogen illumination.
11. 5 place nosepiece.
12. Interference with the green filter.
13. Blue filter.
14. Dust coverage, spare bulbs.

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