Non-Coated Pediatric Sponge Bundle, Techno-Aide (CAT#: STEM-MIE-1096-LC)


Radiolucent (YFAX and YFBT sponges are not radiolucent)
Latex free

Cat Number: STEM-MIE-1096-LC

Application: Designed for patient positioning during X-Ray examination

Model: YKPA

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Non-Coated Pediatric Sponge Bundle manufactured by Techno-Aide is a basic (core), open-cell piece of foam without cleanable surface, so it is not resistant to fluid absorption. Stealth Sponges are designed with proprietary "flared" angles to offer significantly reduced artifacts during viewing. Flared sides will increase overall size. Non-Stealth Sponges are formed with traditional angles instead of "flared" angles to offer significantly reduced artifacts during viewing. Non-stealth (or non-flared) sides may show artifacts when imaging, specifically when coating is applied.


Packaging: Bundle of 7 Pieces
YFAC - Stealth-Core Bilateral Pediatric Oblique Finger Block - Size: 7.5" W x 7.75" L x2" H
YFAE - Stealth-Core Pediatric Lateral Finger Block - Size: 4" W x 7" L x 1.75" H
YFAK - Stealth-Core Circular Head Block - Base Size: 9" Diameter x 1.5" H (Top is 7" Diameter)
YFAN - Stealth-Core Child Head Holder - Size: 9.75" W x 11" L x 5" H
YFAQ - Stealth-Core Child Head Immobilizer - Size: 6.75" W x 11.5" L x 5.25" H
YFAX - Non-Stealth Non-Coated Child Myelogram Block - Size: 8" W x 14" L x 10" H
YFBT - Non-Stealth Non-Coated Rectangle Sponge - Size: 4" W x 6" L x 2" H


Radiolucent (YFAX and YFBT sponges are not radiolucent)
Latex free
Non-coated, non-cleanable surface
Meets the new California 2015 Technical Bulletin #117-2013 standards
Patent Pending