PDDLS/CoolBatch 90T Advanced Nano-Particle Characterization (CAT#: AM-LE-0345-Y)


• A wide temperature range allows analysis of most biomolecules to increase productivity
• The micro-escape cuvette reduces the need for filtration, so that precious samples will not be lost
• Excellent sensitivity minimizes the risk of missing important compounds in trace analysis

Cat Number: AM-LE-0345-Y

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PDDLS/CoolBatch 90T Advanced Nano-Particle Characterizatio is manufactured by Agilent Technologies. The system uses a 20 µL sample cuvette or a 12 µL micro cuvette with an adapter and a powerful 658 nm wavelength laser with a 90-degree (fiber ) dynamic light scattering can measure the hydrodynamic radius distribution of macromolecules and particles in solution, providing maximum sensitivity and the most flexible temperature range for protein melt analysis.


• A wide temperature range allows analysis of most biomolecules to increase productivity
• The micro-escape cuvette reduces the need for filtration, so that precious samples will not be lost
• Excellent sensitivity minimizes the risk of missing important compounds in trace analysis
• Proprietary software provides extremely accurate batch data and related functions
• Comprehensive packaging maximizes the flexibility of various applications

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