Pippin HT Sample Sizing Instrument, Sage Science (CAT#: STEM-GTPO-0001-ZJF)


Sample-to-sample reproducibility streamlines research
Higher sample quality improves downstream analysis
24 sample capacity meets high throughput sequencing demands

Cat Number: STEM-GTPO-0001-ZJF

Application: High Throughput Size Selection for Next-Gen Sequencing.

Model: Pippin HT

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The Pippin HT Sample Sizing Instrument is manufactured by Sage Science.
PippinHT incorporates the company's highly regarded sizing technology and increases throughput to 24 samples per run, compared to a maximum of five with Pippin Prep or BluePippin. The instrument offers an efficient, automated solution for scientists running busy sequencing labs, core facilities, and other laboratories producing large-scale sequencing data.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Electrical: 12V, 16 Amps
Includes: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse
Electrophoresis voltage: 75V constant, 75V pulsed field
Optical detection: 470 nm excitation, 525 nm emission
Power requirements: 100-240 VAC, 2.5 A, 50-60 Hz
Weight: 20 lbs / 9 kg
Dimensions (with lid open): 18h x 13w x 17d (in) | 46h x 33w x 43 d (cm)


Sample-to-sample reproducibility streamlines research
Higher sample quality improves downstream analysis
24 sample capacity meets high throughput sequencing demands

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