Polypropylene Ductless Fume Hood - Sliding Sash, 96"×36"×60", AirClean Systems (CAT#: STEM-LE-1222-Y)


• Polypropylene structure, strong chemical resistance
• Deep base can effectively prevent accidental overflow
• Real-time monitoring of installed filter beds

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1222-Y

Model: AC8036S

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The Polypropylene Ductless Fume Hood is manufactured by AirClean Systems, equipped with HEPA filters and bonded carbon filters, which can effectively remove toxic particles and chemical fumes.


External (W × D × H): 96"×36"×60"


• Polypropylene structure, strong chemical resistance
• Deep base can effectively prevent accidental overflow
• Real-time monitoring of installed filter beds
• Directly plug into a standard 110V or 220V power socket to use
• Horizontal laminar flow mode
• No piping system required
• AirSafe™ automatic safety controller
• Integrated moisture-proof fluorescent lamp
• Continuously monitor the surface speed of the hood through variable airflow control to reach the user preset value
• HEPASafe™ technology allows HEPA filters to be safely replaced while the enclosure is running
• Tested to meet UL 61010-1 and CSA C222 No61010-1 standards
• A wide variety of bonded activated carbon and HEPA filters can be used to contain almost all toxic vapors, fumes, gases or particulate matter
• Laboratory event timer
• Brushless, non-sparking blower is the rear filter
• Exhaust gas is filtered by HEPA to prevent any potential particulate matter from returning to the room
• The low air volume alarm alerts the user visually and audibly
• The filter is securely locked to ensure the correct replacement of the filter