Pressure controller for industrial needs, PX-1, FLUIGENT (CAT#: STEM-ME-0230-WXH)

Cat Number: STEM-ME-0230-WXH

Application: A pressure based flow controller for industry.

Model: PX-1

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A pressure based flow controller for industry. The newest member of Fluigent’s OEM product line, the PX-Series, is the most versatile industrial pressure controller. The PX-Series is fast and stable thanks to our field proven, patented FASTAB™ Technology. The PX-Series is designed for OEM integration in industrial environments. Its RS232 and USB ports ensure its communication with any system.


Pressure ranges: 0 to 1000 mbar
Standard deviation: ± 0.3 mbar
Size: Very compact module 83 × 26 × 62mm = 134 cm³
Weight: 192 g
Outlet Connector: 4 mm OD speedfit
Media: No corrosive or exposive gas (air, N2, Ar, O2...)

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