Professional Scoring And Analysis Software: The Observer XT, Noldus Information Technology BV. (CAT#: STEM-LEAR-0663-YJL)


User friendly software package
The Observer XT is an extremely powerful software tool including data integration and analysis and still very user friendly and easy to understand.
The Observer XT enables you to code behaviors in great detail.

Cat Number: STEM-LEAR-0663-YJL

Application: Used to synchronize and analyze multiple signals (video, audio, physiology, etc) all together

Model: Observer XT

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Professional Scoring And Analysis Software: The Observer XT, model Observer XT is manufactured by Noldus Information Technology BV.
The Observer XT is the ideal tool for many researchers because it saves you time scoring behaviors and it allows you to synchronize and analyze multiple signals (video, audio, physiology, etc) all together.


User friendly software package
The Observer XT is an extremely powerful software tool including data integration and analysis and still very user friendly and easy to understand.
The Observer XT enables you to code behaviors in great detail.
Moreover, we offer free technical support worldwide and 24/7.

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