PYREXPLUS® Single Metric Scale Graduated Cylinders, with Protective Coating, Volume 2,000 mL, Corning (CAT#: STEM-L-4053-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-L-4053-LKN

Application: Liquid measuring and handling.

Model: 63024-2L

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These PYREXPLUS® cylinders are calibrated "to deliver". Feature a protective plastic coating to help prevent glass from shattering and reduces spillage. With single metric scale. Fully autoclavable (121 °C) and resistant to thermal shock. Available in 100, 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 mL volumes.


Subdivision: 20.0 mL
Tol. measuring range: 10.0 mL
Volume: 2,000 mL