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QTOF Premier Mass Spectrometer, Micromass (CAT#: STEM-MSPO-0072-ZJF)


High sensitivity— High transmission efficiency of ZSpray source technology, T-Wave ion optics, T-Wave collision cell and oa-Tof transmission result in high sensitivity
High resolution— Up to 17,500 FWHM with W-Optics
High mass measurement capability— Routine exact mass measurement (3 ppm RMS) in MS and MS/MS with LockSpray and NanoLockSpray

Cat Number: STEM-MSPO-0072-ZJF

Application: For measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of one or more molecules present in a sample

Model: QTOF Premier

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The manufacturer of the QTOF Premier Mass Spectrometer, Micromass is Micromass.
Refurbished Waters Q-TOF Premier API Quadrupole-Time of Flight Tandem Mass Spectrometer (8kDa) complete with Z-Spray Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Source, Modular Lockspray Source Housing with ESI Probe capable of ESI and APCI, BOC Edwards XDS35i Scroll Pump, 4 each air cooled turbomolecular pumps consisting of source EXT255H, quadrupole EXT255H, collision EXT255H and TOF EXT255H,and new MassLynx 4.1 PC workstation.
The Waters Q-TOF Premier is a hybrid quadrupole TOF instrument features Lock Mass spray and MSe, which allows this instrument to skip the isolation step for MSMS, greatly increasing the effective duty cycle when run in this mode. Key to the expression analysis is the stability and reproducibility of the nanoAcquity UPLC system and the high pressure 1.7ì reversed phase capillary column, which afford the instrument excellent chromatographic properties. This instrument is also capable of intact protein mass determinations by direct ESI infusion and a full suit of data analysis software is available from Waters.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
complete with Z-Spray Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Source
Modular Lockspray Source Housing with ESI Probe capable of ESI and APCI
BOC Edwards XDS35i Scroll Pump
4 each air cooled turbomolecular pumps consisting of source EXT255H
quadrupole EXT255H
collision EXT255H and TOF EXT255H
new MassLynx 4.1 PC workstation
Optional: APPI/APCI probe (p/n 176001645)
Waters Acquity UPLC
Waters NanoAcquity UHPLC
Waters ESI Lock Spray Probe Installation Kit (p/n M956357DC1-I)
Waters tool kit (p/n M950063DC1


High sensitivity— High transmission efficiency of ZSpray source technology, T-Wave ion optics, T-Wave collision cell and oa-Tof transmission result in high sensitivity
High resolution— Up to 17,500 FWHM with W-Optics
High mass measurement capability— Routine exact mass measurement (3 ppm RMS) in MS and MS/MS with LockSpray and NanoLockSpray
Enhanced speed— Faster TDC (4 GHZ) delivers acquisition speeds of up to 20 spectra per second—compatible with UPLC-based separations
Dynamic Range Enhancement (pDRE)— Equipped with programmable DRE function, which enables quantitation and exact mass measurement over 4 orders of magnitude
Enhanced Duty Cycle— Enables enhanced sensitivity over targeted m/z ranges for detection of modified components (e.g. in Precursor Ion Discovery)
MALDI— Exchangeable vacuum MALDI source enabling large scale MALDI MS and MS/MS analyses—compatible with 96- and 384-spot target plates
Resolving quadrupole— 4, 8 and 32k Da options
m/z range— up to 100,000 in V-Optics
Intelligent, automated MS/MS acquisition— Data Directed Analysis (DDA) and Precursor Ion Discovery
Source options— LockSpray, NanoLockSpray, IonSABRE, APCI, ESCi and APPI
Ergonomics— New industrial design, reduced instrument footprint

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