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QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System, Bio-Rad (CAT#: STEM-PCRE-0191-LKN)

Cat Number: STEM-PCRE-0191-LKN

Application: Cancer biomarker studies and copy number variation.<br />Pathogen detection.<br />Next generation sequencing.<br />Gene expression analysis.<br />Environmental monitoring.<br />Food testing.

Model: QX200

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Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications.


Starting sample size, µl: 20
QX200 droplet generator capacity: 1-8 samples/cartridge
Droplets per 20 µl sample: 20,000
QX200 droplet reader capacity: 1-96 samples
Sample illumination: Light-emitting diodes
Sample detection: Multi-pixel photon counter
Detection channels: FAM (EvaGreen), HEX (VIC)
Linear dynamic range: 5 orders of magnitude
Precision: ±10%
Droplets per 96-well plate, million: ~1.5
QX200 droplet generator dimensions (W x D x H): 28 x 36 x 13 cm (11 x 14 x 5")
QX200 droplet reader dimensions (W x D x H): 66 x 52 x 29 cm (26 x 20 x 11")

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