Roche Cobas Z 480 Real-Time PCR System, Roche Applied Science (CAT#: STEM-PEPO-0036-ZJF)


COVID-19 Approved
Real-time PCR with digital data capture provides accurate qualitative results with no gray zone
Elimination the need for equivocal sample retesting

Cat Number: STEM-PEPO-0036-ZJF

Application: For real-time PCR (qPCR)

Model: Cobas Z 480

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The Roche Cobas Z 480 Real-Time PCR System is manufactured by Roche Applied Science.
Cobas z 480 PCR analyzer is approved for COVID-19 testing and is the latest generation of the LightCycles. This unit is equipped to use 96-well plates and has six optical channels of detection.


Condition: Certified pre-owned
Capacity: 96-Well Plate with installed 96-S block
Temp Range: 37 - 95C
Accuracy: +/-0.2C of target temperature
96-well block: 4.8C/s
Dimensions (WxDxH): 57.4 x 58.8 x 49.7cm
96-well Silver Thermal Block
Excitation: Xenon reflector lamp
Luminous intensity: 10 uW/mm2
Wattage: 100 W
Lifetime: > 500 h
Detector: Cooled monochrome CCD camera.
Resolution: 1024 x 1344 pixel
Integration time: 10 ms to 10 s
Integration time selection: Dynamic or manual
Sensitivity: < 0.2 nmol/l fluorescein, typically 0.1 nmol/l
(20ul reaction volume)
Reproducibility: CV =< 0.15%
Crosstalk well-to-well: < 0.2% optically
< 0.02% with software correction
Filter Set of the z480 Lightcycler Instrument
Excitation wavelengths (nm):
Bandpass Half Band Width (HBW)
440 nm 35 nm
465 nm 25 nm
498 nm 40 nm
533 nm 25 nm
618 nm 35 nm
Detection wavelengths (nm):
Bandpass Half Band Width (HBW)
488 nm 20 nm
510 nm 20 nm
580 nm 20 nm
610 nm 20 nm
640 nm 20 nm
660 nm 95 nm(low pass)


COVID-19 Approved
Real-time PCR with digital data capture provides accurate qualitative results with no gray zone
Elimination the need for equivocal sample retesting
Advanced results algorithm eliminates the need for manual curve analysis

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