The Sencore CVA94 Camera Video Analyzer is manufactured by Sencore. The Sencore CVA94 Camera Video Analyzer provides timesaving digital measurements of camera signals with both waveform and vector displays. The convenient measurements and tests of the "Video Tracker" allow you to quickly analyze any video camera to verify proper performance or to determine the type of problem that exists. The CVA94 features exclusive tests such as: the Composite Video Hum Test, that is designed to detect low frequency ripple that could be caused by a defective AC adapter/charger that results in dark horizontal "hum" bars on the picture. Or the Composite Video S/N test that helps you evaluate the camera's video output signal. The CVA94 provides you with signal measurements, tests, and troubleshooting aids to isolate problems in the camera's lens, iris, luminance, chroma, sync generator, power adapter, and power supply circuits. The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.