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Shamrock 750 Spectrograph, 750 mm Focal Length, Andor Technology (CAT#: STEM-LE-1472-Y)


USB 2.0 interface;
Pre-aligned and pre-calibrated detectors and spectrometers;
Dual detector output;

Cat Number: STEM-LE-1472-Y

Application: Shamrock 750 has the highest resolution and is very suitable for applications that require multitrack capabilities.

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The Shamrock 750 Spectrograph is manufactured by Andor Technology, Peiyou's single-point detector, up to LWIR (12 ?m). The most advanced Solis Spectroscopy and Solis Scanning software provide a dedicated intuitive interface for the control of spectrometers, detectors and electric accessories, as well as simple detection parameter settings.


Type: Czerny-Turner Spectrograph
Resolution: 0.03 nm
Detector(s): CCD, EMCCD, ICCD and InGaAs
Focal Length: 750 mm
Aperture: F/9.7
Slit Width: 10 um to 2.5 mm (manual or motorised)


USB 2.0 interface;
Pre-aligned and pre-calibrated detectors and spectrometers;
Dual detector output;
Mobile, indexing three-layer grating turret;
Multi-track enhanced option;
Monochromator function;
A variety of accessories can be provided;
Silver protective coating optics option;

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