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SIL-HT Autosampler, Shimadzu (CAT#: STEM-CPO-0673-ZJF)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned

Cat Number: STEM-CPO-0673-ZJF

Application: For chromatography

Model: SIL-HT

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The manufacturer of the SIL-HT Autosampler, Shimadzu is Shimadzu.
High throughput is the key word for modern HPLC analysis. The SIL-HT is the best performing autosampler in terms of sample injection speed, sample capacity, and minimizing sample carryover of highly adsorbent sample components.


Condition: Refurbished, Certified Pre-owned
Sample Injection System: Total sample injection, variable sample injection system (zero sample loss during injection)
Settable Range Of Injection Volumes:
0.1 to 100µL (standard), or 1 to 2000µL (option)
(0.1µL steps from 0.1 to 0.9µL, and 1µL steps from 1 to 2000µL)
Sample Processing Capability:
With 1-mL vials: 350
With 1.50mL vials: 210(SIL-HTa), 140(SIL-HTc)
With 4-mL vials: 100
With micro plates: 4 (96 wells: 384, 384 wells: 1536)
With deep-well plates: 4 (96 wells: 384, 384 wells: 1536)
Injection Volume Repeatability: RSD: 0.3% max. (at 10µL injection)
Cross Contamination: 0.01% max. (for analysis of naphthalene)
Injection Volume Accuracy: Less than +/-1% (50µL)
Injection Volume Accuracy Correction: Possible
Number Of Injections: 1-99 times per sample
Settting Of Analysis time: 0.01-9999.9 (0.01 minute increments to 999.099min.,0.1 minute increments over 1000min.)
Number Of Steps For Injection Conditions: Max 102 steps
Sample Suction Speed: 0.1 - 15µL/sec (0.1µL/s step for 0.1-0.9µL/sec., 1µL/s step for over 1µL/sec.)
Rinsing Liquid Suction Speed: 1 - 35µL/sec (1µL/s step)
Maximum Pressure: Max. 20.0Mpa (Standard pipings of sample flowpath is PEEK)


Refurbished to meet manufacturer's specification
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Money back guarantee
Certified with warranty

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