StrykerX7000 Light Source, Stryker (CAT#: STEM-GLEPO-1000-ZJF)


300 watt xenon lamp
Fiber-optic light cable
In excellent condition

Cat Number: STEM-GLEPO-1000-ZJF

Application: To illuminate surgical sites during endoscopic applications.

Model: X7000

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The manufacturer of the StrykerX7000 Light Source is Stryker.
The StrykerX7000 Light Source is a light-generating unit designed to illuminate surgical sites during endoscopic applications. It uses a 300 watt xenon lamp to generate bright, crisp light, which it delivers to the surgical site via a fiber-optic light cable.
The pre-owned products will be thoroughly cleaned and fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications before shipping.


Condition: Certified Pre-Owned
Electrical: 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 450W
Dimensions: 5" (H) x 16.8" (L) x 12.5" (W)
Weight: 20 lb
Electrical: VAC (Energy): 100/240 V
Illumination Level Setting: Continuous
Configuration: Multipurpose
Number/Type: 1/BNC


300 watt xenon lamp
Fiber-optic light cable
In excellent condition
Thoroughly cleaned
Fully tested to perform at manufacturer specifications

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